You're damned right it's nice out.
I just got finished sifting through the Post from Fri, Sat and Sun while sitting on yee 'old balconie and listening to people yell at eachother on the street. It was awesome. The paper definitely piles up. I'm considering switching to Sunday only and reading it online the rest of the week... I mean, shit, I barely have time on weekday mornings (let alone the nonexistent evenings) and my neighbor is just going to steal the Sat. one anyway.
Later on I spent a few minutes trying to shoo a yellow-jacket out of the living room. That was also quite awesome. I'm not sure if he made it out, but he's not crawling around on the inside of the balcony door anymore, so that's good.
Jef asked me last night what the hell all of us were going to do on Thursday. He brings up a good point. What are we going to do now that kickball is "over"? I say, we come up with something else that involves drinking and hanging out together and just call it "kickball." That way we can tell our bosses that we have to punch out at 6 b/c we have "kickball" when we really just mean that we're going to go hang out with our kickball team. This week Jef and I came up with the ancient notion of all of us sitting around and watching Office Space. I hereby offer Rosanna and my apartment for the Thursday night watchivities, but also believe that its decentralized location sucks and would recommend other offerings of people with larger televisions... so... umm... yeah, let's hear those offers roll on in.
And for all you lawyers out there, have you read this Vanity Fair article about Supreme Court Clerks breaking their vows of silence. I had no idea that they were monks and clerks. That's nutty!
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