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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Sinclair the Conservative Dinosaur?

A new smear campaign is underway in the form of an anti-Kerry "documentary" that will be run in lieu of regular programming on 62 tv stations owned by one conservative jerkass, many in battleground states, only a few days before the election. This blog talks about it at length and the Guardian gives it some much needed attention. This would be akin to Michael Moore being allowed to show Farenheit 911 on national television instead of just pay-per-view as he's planning. I know, I know. It would be great if Moore owned 62 television stations, but even if he did, it would be kind of wrong to show such a partisan film and portray it as fact. Some are hoping that the Kerry film doesn't make a splash on the major news like the Veterans for "Truth" did, but I'm guessing it will.
And everybody please, please, please keep yelling at everyone you know about news stories like this.


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