A DC Rock Creek Division Kickball team. Games on Wednesdays at Marie Reed in Adams Morgan. Team members can sign in here after sending their email address to Claudia and then creating your login and password.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Some f*ck*n' t*mes...

You're sitting around on a Friday night thinking, "Hey, I dont' care if I'm Jewish/Islamic/Catholiced/Hindued, I think silly things are funny!"
Then, you stop. You think to your stupid, stupid self, "mother of God, I think I must have eaten some sweet, sweet lead-filled paint."
Sometimes, in life, things just... work out...
Being Santa Claus and having people not care how drunk you get is a perfect example.

I don't want to sit around again and talk about how much we rule. It's impossible to summarize that much kickassedness in a single statment. Let's just cut to the chase and say, "You're darn right, my friend."


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