A DC Rock Creek Division Kickball team. Games on Wednesdays at Marie Reed in Adams Morgan. Team members can sign in here after sending their email address to Claudia and then creating your login and password.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I posted this on my other blog, but thought the info deserved to be known here as well:
Did you forget about Janet Jackson's Super Bowl boob incident? I did too, and then today the FCC fined CBS $550,000 for it, which, oddly, is only $50,000 less than the amount that Halle Berry was paid to do double the work when she bore herself in swordfish.
What does this teach us all? It teaches us that some breasts are worth paying half a million dollars to bare and others are worth paying the same amount to keep covered. Is this chest discrimination? You bet it is.
Is this another great excuse for every newspaper to show that picture of Janet's blurry boob again? Darn straight.


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