A DC Rock Creek Division Kickball team. Games on Wednesdays at Marie Reed in Adams Morgan. Team members can sign in here after sending their email address to Claudia and then creating your login and password.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

With a few beers....

With a few beers in me, I've decided that I can't think and write at the same time. Thus, I've decided to take dictation from Rosanna. Heregoes:
Really? No NO no. Don't That's not funny I'm serious. DOn't. DOn't put that.
I knew it. Ummm.... Please don't put, I don't want you to put this down... what I say. Ok?
You're an ass, but OK.
Do you want me to make you macaroni and Cheese? Because I won't if you keep this up. (makes mouth locking motion with hand)
(gives that look like "really, y9ou idiot. Stop typing")
"You spelled "you" wrong, Idiot."
Talk about how awesome our team is.
(Greg writing now)
Who cares how much beer I have in my tummy-tum. Rosanna's given me an order and that's as much as I need to start blathering about nonsense:
Our team kicks so much ass! It's insane. How good are we at losing by a few points and then sitting around discussing office politics?!? I'll tell you how good we are. Pretty darn good!
Well, Sam mentioned something to me tonight and I coudln't help but let it sitck in my short, short memory. He said, "you know, our team gives great blog."
And I thought to myself, "what an amazingly sexual way to talk about blogging!"
then I thought, "Sam's right. We do give good blog!"
Then Sam said, "...but we need to get everybody blogging, not just some people. Everybody should just write up whatever they're thinking."
This is where I nearly threw up from agreement. How could one person realize so much the need for this entire team to blather on endlessly on a website that only we will ever read? That's a rhetorical question so don't go trying to explain differenent levels of realizing stuff.
So, therefore, if you're reading this nonsense and thinking to yourself, "what an idiot. I could probably say something a little bit less interesting, but think that it was more interesting because I wrote it," then, please, write it now.
We need your help. You're on the team. Why not write something stupid and plublish it for the five people that read this thing to see?Enough nonsense. The noodles are nearly ready. Then the butter, then the powder, then the milk. You all know the drill. God I'm starving!

And Oh My! It appears I wasn't so inebriated that I couldn't add some pictures:


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