A DC Rock Creek Division Kickball team. Games on Wednesdays at Marie Reed in Adams Morgan. Team members can sign in here after sending their email address to Claudia and then creating your login and password.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Read this and be everso sad

Report from pipa (funny name, not funny report). Link is to a pdf file. If it doesn't work, go here and click on the Report Findings link at the bottom for the raw data.
Just a taste? "A large majority of Bush supporters believe that before the war Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or a major program for building them. A substantial majority of Bush supporters assume that most experts believe Iraq had WMD and that this was the conclusion of the recently released report by Charles Duelfer. A large majority of Bush supporters believes that Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda and that clear evidence of this support has been found. A large majority believes that most experts also have this view, and a substantial majority believe that this was the conclusion of the 9/11 Commission. Large majorities of Kerry supporters believe the opposite on all these points."
Dumbasses. They call it cognitive dissonance or "The realization of contradictions in one's own attitudes and behaviors."


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