A DC Rock Creek Division Kickball team. Games on Wednesdays at Marie Reed in Adams Morgan. Team members can sign in here after sending their email address to Claudia and then creating your login and password.

Monday, November 15, 2004

There shall be no shark jumping!

Jorge, while I appreciate your Jump the Shark reference, I do not believe that his blog has jumped the shark.
You could definitely argue the other way. You might argue that I didn't notice your jump the shark reference or blog posting until yesterday.... three days after you posted it. That's a good argument. You probably think you're pretty smart. You are.
I was thinking that same "jump the shark" stuff myself when I checked the blog this morning and then I thought, "Hey, the blog will pick back up next season." I think it will, but I also think that in the meantime we can use it for some other great stuff. Like all these pictures that Claudia sent me that I'm posting below:







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