Where's all the good nerding?
It was pointed out to me last night that I write the vast majority of the posts to this blog. Is that true? It's the weekend, so I'm not doing any quantitative analysis to actually find out the perentages. Someone else write in to prove me wrong.
Claude, good party last night.
Mark, where was that picture taken? I want a cheesesteak.
Erik, the speedo thing was from an article about another kickball league in Brooklyn that played an inter-league game against WAKA and had a member who thought it was not-so-in-the=kickball-spirit of WAKA to enforce rules about him not being allowed to wear a speedo and just a speedo while he played (because this was "his thing"). The suggestion was made that you wear a speedo or fireman's outfit during our games. The person who suggested this immediately became ill as did the rest of us who read the suggestion. Thanks a lot. Jerk.
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